Terracotta & Brick Tile Care, Protection, and Cleaning

Terracotta & Brick is one of the Oldest Flooring Materials
Clay and brick tiles have been used for flooring for thousands of years. Terracotta pavers can add Old World charm to your home, but require special care to preserve the beauty for years. You can purchase glazed Terracotta or unglazed tiles. Unglazed terracotta is relatively inexpensive ($3.00-4.00 per sq. ft.) but you MUST use the proper sealer, wax, or oil to enhance and preserve the rich beauty of Terracotta pavers.
Unglazed Terracotta & Brick Tile & Pavers
All terracotta tiles start out as 'Unglazed' raw clay. Some types are 'Sun-Dried', like Saltillo Clay tiles from Mexico, while other types may be 'Kiln-Dried'. This process dries out the tile and hardens the surface. When raw and unglazed, these tile are as absorbent as a sponge and need some form of protection. Using one of the following methods will help bring out the rich color tones enhancing the appeal, while also making it easier to clean and maintain your floors.
Four Methods to Protect Unglazed Brick & Terracotta Tile
Clay Tile Sealers
Impregnators are 'Penetrating Sealers' that absorb deep into the clay, both enhancing color and adding Stain Protection. Because the protection lies below the surface, impregnators are not subject to the wear and abuses that Topicals must deal with. Impregnators are also more durable than topical acrylics because our impregnators are Naptha based and do not break down as easily as acrylics.
We offer several different impregnating sealers for Terracotta.
1. First is Clear-Invisible protection that will not enhance the color.
2. We also offer a Color Enhancer impregnator.
3. For extra stain protection a Extra Protection Color Enhancer
Paraffin Oils
One of the oldest methods for treating clay tiles is with the use of special oils. Oil treatments will enhance the color and also provide protection against spill and stains. Think of oil treatments for terracotta like hand rubbed wood finishes that leave a warm patina.
We offer special Parafin Oils for the treatment of unglazed terracotta, clay tiles, and brick. (Buy Special Order Only) Please call to order: 800-380-6881
Lastly, you can use Beeswax to treat unglazed terracotta tile floors. One of the oldest methods is first staining the tile with Bioled Linseed Oil, and polishing with Beeswax, applying dozens of coats of wax. This is of course a VERY expensive and time consuming method and fortunately, many of the modern synthetics offer a much more economical and practical approach.
For Deep Cleaning, we suggest using our HMK R155 Intensive Cleaner Concentrate
If you have questions about protecting and maintaining Terracotta and Brick surfaces, please contact us.